Thursday, June 12, 2014

Different Light

I was talking with a friend of mine the other night, and I made a comment about having had been nervous to walk at graduation commencement that night.  It was something we where all feeling, 13 years of education, hard work, blood, sweat, and tears all came down to that one final moment.  So to be nervous was rather understandable!  However she says to me "you run into burning building and its totally chill but that made you nervous?" and in my half asleep state of mind I thought to myself "when you put it that way..." It was a good point.

As we go through life there are so many things we focus on, dwell on, and worry about.  There is even a few things we decide not to do simply because we are afraid of what might happen if we do.  Often we miss opportunity, and miss the chance to enjoy a moment in life because we are so caught up in the "what if" of something else.  Some things that we do like running into burning buildings or working an accident scene on the side of the highway one would think we'd be more afraid of, after-all the stakes are higher. If your like me you don't think about it; rather you just do it because it needs to be done.  When we put things in our lives into different prospective or different light we may begin to see that there isn't so much to worry about. So rather than missing your chance to do something great or to make a memory; take a chance. Live a little and see what happens.

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